Podcasts & Published Writing
I'm so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my work with others. I've spoken at conferences in London, Texas, Australia and of course around New Zealand. My work is regularly featured in professional publications or during discussions with amazing podcasters. Here's a sample of some of them:
- How to Build Resilience During Crisis - with Mark O'Leary
- Unlocking Mindset - with Jennifer Zach
- Choosing Strength - A Financial Services Council presentation about wellbeing & resilience during the COVID years
- The Can Do Coffee Chat with Gail Gibson
- CDANZ Conference Presentation – Resilience At Work
- Get Yourself The Job - with Alyson Garrido
- How to Build Resilience in a COVID world - Revolutionaries of Wellbeing
- Your Career Down Under - Career Care Package, Understanding Resilience

Published Work
Building Resilience in Three Simple Steps - CIC Financial
The 3 E's of Building Employee Resilience - published in Training Industry journal
Resilience and Burnout during lockdowns
The Stronger Life NOTCH Story - Why talismans can help during times of stress
9 Best Books for Boosting Your Career:
5 Essential Truths about Resilience (The Press):
Why Resilience just got Personal (HRNZ Magazine):
Contribution to SCIRT Learning Legacy:
Redundancy (NZ Herald):
Coaching in Times of Crisis (contribution to a book by the awesome Liz Hall):
Coaching at Work Conference, London: