Craft Your Way to Career Success
What if a significant or unexpected change gave you the perfect opportunity to do more of what you enjoy?
I'm an enormous believer in the power of harnessing significant or unexpected change and turning it into something positive.
Perhaps the last few years of turmoil have highlighted something that was "missing" in your work? Or maybe you've noticed that some of your work practices have improved, adjusted or maybe even be discarded?
As a career professional who has not only supported clients through enormous transformation, but who has personally navigated significant change - I know the power of designing new directions.
However, I've also seen the dark side of what can happen when we decide to change our career as a result of stressful times without careful thought and consideration...
So in 2020, I began working with another career professional - Kirsty Allott - at Vargo & Lewis to design The Crafted Career Programmes.
With the world still reeling from COVID disruption, we wanted to design a supported, online programme to find hope, strength, and a plan for the future in an environment of disruption, uncertainty, and change.
The Crafted Career Programmes consist of Twelve "Chapters" including topics like:
- Mindset (how to stay positive during job change)
- Success (identifying your values, talents and strengths)
- Confidence (noticing, seeking and receiving feedback)
- Connections (growing stronger, deeper networks)
- Selection (tips for standing out and shining)
Each chapter includes personal reflection guidance, videos, short stories, resources and insights to help you. The programme can be completed alone, or as part of a Group Coaching event.

"When I got an interview I quickly went to the interview programme of Crafted Career. I think it's safe to say that your content is spot on and I have never been so prepared for an interview. I've just resigned from my current role and am excited about this new position that gives me an important new challenge in my career." Chris